Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the United States have entered proposals to cover older vessels immediately, or to modify the permissive rules.
Only 17 of the 79 entrants will race without the medications that are permitted in virtually unlimited doses under Kentucky's unusually permissive rules.
However, in the interest of encouraging the largest number of states to join treaties, a more permissive rule regarding reservations has emerged.
The Caroline test applies in cases where Article 51 is not a permissive rule because a defensive action was taken before an armed attack occurred.
Nor does he demonstrate how strong is the association between undesirable verdicts and permissive rules of evidence.
They are known here as "the drug tourists," the shoppers drawn by the permissive rules for soft drugs in the Netherlands.
Other nations participating in the CD aspects of FID may operate under more permissive rules of engagement.
The case was part of the court's retreat from applying rigid per se rules in antitrust to a more permissive rule of reason.
Telcos, naturally, would like to see a broad and permissive rule that puts them on equal footing with states, municipalities, and non-profit foundations.
There are, of course, many buildings whose proprietary leases or boards of directors have established more permissive rules regarding subletting.