They relax the exclusive claims of Intellectual Property rights with more permissive licenses for developing countries.
The text is available under a permissive license that allows royalty-free commercial and non-commercial use.
Due to its permissive license and technical flexibility, Mono has opened the door for .
It sets a good balance between permissive licenses and full copyleft licenses.
In a time when the range of moral offenses has shrunk considerably, the covenant has become an especially permissive license.
Although permissive licenses increase the flexibility of downstream code use, they aren't necessarily conducive to more open governance.
It is released under a permissive license (included in the tarball).
Why, then, should Government software, that we've all paid for, be hijacked by a company just because it has been licensed under a permissive license.
Other components may benefit greatly from having a very permissive license to encourage commercial interest and development or inclusion in propriety solutions.
However, not all permissive licenses are copyfree under stricter definition.