Ohio Wesleyan is generally known for a strong "left-leaning" student body and an administration with a "permissive" attitude.
They also tend to have permissive sexual attitudes.
Fear of youth and their rejection is often disguised in a permissive attitude toward them.
The permissive attitude toward business did not always extend toward large corporations.
The city's permissive attitude was not confined to gangs, politicians and elite businessmen.
The permissive attitudes there all but encouraged affairs between students and teachers, she said.
This is a society that prides itself on having a tolerant, even permissive attitude toward human predilections.
However, these permissive attitudes are contrary to some teaching of current Islamic theologians.
He was indeed a most exacting man, who was apt to turn down as clients people with permissive attitudes toward their children.
To embrace a permissive attitude towards so-called soft drugs would be devastating. We know that these are the gateway to heavy drug abuse.