A soil sterilant is a chemical that temporarily or permanently prevents the growth of all plants and animals, depending on the chemical.
Nf3 Be7) is Black's most aggressive option; it can permanently prevent White from castling after 4.
The uterus is surgically removed, permanently preventing pregnancy and some diseases, such as uterine cancer.
In some ways-if only we could have permanently prevented their spreading-I'd like to have even the imitations back.
They would also eat the raw roots, believing that they permanently prevented conception.
A mini-laparotomy is done to permanently prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.
In response, several counter measures have been implemented by various parties, with the aim of permanently preventing it.
A postpartum tubal ligation is done to permanently prevent a woman from getting pregnant.
For couples weighing whether they're ready to permanently prevent pregnancy, here are some important questions to ask.
If today too many refugees are sent back too early, the region may be destabilized, and that may permanently prevent the final repatriation.