She refused to leave for fear of being permanently exiled by the military authorities.
He was exiled permanently to India in 1914 by king Tribhuvan of Nepal for preaching.
To her Debbie represents the world of sophistication (and yes, love) from which she has been permanently exiled.
Another million Armenians survived the death marches but were permanently exiled from their homeland of 2,500 years.
They were alteen-224 tenced to five to thirty years in hard labor, deported, and permanently exiled from Earth, permanently barred from government employment.
He would be permanently exiled from his home, never able to return or see his family.
In the final scene, Tony has become wholly dependent on Barrett and Susan is exiled permanently from the house.
In fact, if he were to carry off the deception, he ought to think of himself as permanently exiled.
A containment wall is built around the island with armed guards and watchtowers posted, and those sent to the island are exiled permanently.
They are only days or weeks from being permanently exiled.