It is essential however, that the conditions be created for Iraq's withdrawal from its illegal occupation and a permanent resolution to the Gulf crisis.
We look forward to continuing to work with Congress and our forest partners to find a permanent resolution that protects jobs and clean water.
It was just that there was never any permanent resolution.
A permanent resolution of the capital location issue came in 1864.
These factors caused the Austrian-Hungarian government to seek a permanent resolution of the Bosnian question, sooner, rather than later.
It is currently reviewing options for permanent resolution of the remaining debt.
Mr. Seidman said the note's duration indicated how long the agency thinks it might take to work out a permanent resolution of the banks' problems.
The root cause was determined and steps were taken to update a patch on the backend as a permanent resolution.
We are now halfway through that and urgently need to get a permanent resolution.
They can do this by applying for a temporary court injunction to halt the work, he said, pending a more permanent resolution.