FOI has not directly altered the way in which records are selected for permanent preservation or for alternative disposal.
This column is not an appeal for the permanent preservation of the Walls.
It's an interesting question for permanent physical preservation, because that costs money as a function of time.
I'm sure some preservation is cheap enough so that it doesn't matter, but who's gonna pay for permanent and expensive preservation?
In general, an archive consists of records which have been selected for permanent or long-term preservation.
The project aims at the permanent digital preservation of the negatives and their content.
The historically significant doors, windows, bathtubs and other artifacts were set aside for permanent preservation in November 2006.
"Fire ecology" is simply a recognition of the fact that human wild area management must not always be that of permanent preservation.
Traditionally archives such as the PRO have only selected a small proportion of the records produced in departments for permanent preservation.
The primary concern is with the development and maintenance of protected areas within Queensland so as to permit permanent preservation of the area's natural condition.