I was nearly 20 before serious music entered and took permanent possession of my life.
"For the third leg and permanent possession of the state band festival trophy!"
This was the first of 12 flag exchanges over the next 150 years until the Dutch claimed permanent possession in 1816.
Such tenants, however, are considered as having the fee of the lands and permanent possession.
According to the rules, any competitor who managed to win the trophy three times gained permanent possession.
Then, five years ago, both tracks began clamoring for permanent possession of the prime dates.
The first team winning the league title in baseball or football three times would receive permanent possession of the cup.
The luck of the fanciful killer seemed a permanent possession and tonight it was still running true to form.
Thumos was a permanent possession of living man, to which his thinking and feeling belonged.
If one team won three titles, that team would have permanent possession of the Cup.