That's often a sign that permanent hires are not far behind, he said.
With less money available for permanent hires, they fill the gaps with short-term workers.
Then, too, the rising number of temporary workers give jobs quickly to the unemployed and give employers a pool of people to draw from without having to bid for permanent hires.
When work begins to pick up, many companies test the waters with temporaries before plunging into permanent hires.
'The same old shoes, I see,' he said spitefully, and wheeled about to lead Cornelius into the private room he had on permanent hire.
And employers have recently perfected techniques to unravel contracts by first inviting strikes, and then replacing strikers with permanent hires.
He began a business that included providing both temporary staff and also permanent hires for the accounting industry, offering independent franchising opportunities in new locations as the company grew.
Banks and financial institutions from around the country court Campbell students for paid summer internships and for permanent hire upon graduation.
As the economy recovers from recession, employers often hire temporary workers before committing themselves to permanent hires, and that had seemed to be happening.
A rise in the employment of temps is normally a signal to economists that companies are expanding their staffs and will soon shift to permanent hires.