For both of them, the ecclesiastical primacy of Canterbury, in association with the extension of the kingdom of England, offered the hope of a permanent and disciplined future for the whole area of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.
For the last week, a boatload of African emigrants have sailed futilely from one Italian port to another in search of a temporary haven and a permanent future.
Sir Henry said the Accident Hospital experiment was being closely watched and was likely to have a permanent future in hospital services.
Mr Mitchell said the continued reliance on the passenger boat service would condemn the island to a permanent future of aid dependency.
His unwillingness, at the last moment, to refuse the gift of Anne's love despite his reservations about a permanent future with her.
After all, what was also at risk was Abernathy's permanent future as a canine.
If the youth was left to find his or her own employment, the visitor was to persuade the parents to forgo the relatively high initial earnings of blind-alley jobs in favour of one with a more permanent future.
A13 A boatload of African emigrants has found rejection from one Italian port after another in the last week as they search for a temporary haven and perhaps a permanent new future.
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