In any case, the minutes, which indicate lengthy debate on the issue, make it clear that the cardinal does not want to announce the permanent dismissals of priests.
The second aspect of the N.B.A. plan is permanent dismissal of any player who is found to be illegally using or distributing drugs.
He said that the uniform punishment - permanent dismissal - for any instance violated the broad discretion that canon law allows bishops in punishing priests.
His inability to counter the mounting financial crisis led to his permanent dismissal and imprisonment, dying in prison in May/June 885.
On January 6, 2006, Virginia Tech announced his permanent dismissal from its football program "due to a cumulative effect of legal infractions and unsportsmanlike play".
Two convictions would lead to permanent dismissal.
The third will result in permanent dismissal from the team and revocation of financial aid for the athlete.
While the bishops said it was unclear how many of them had already been fully excluded, some would presumably now face permanent dismissal.
Under contracts for all C.B.A. players, failure to pass a drug test results in permanent dismissal.
The changes also provide stiff penalties, including permanent dismissal for offenders.