The War of 1812 demonstrated the need for consistently available expertise based in permanent, or standing, committees.
The people were anxious to know if she would serve on a more permanent committee, if one should be formed at the big meeting.
Getting no comfort from me, they went "higher up," and became a kind of permanent committee in attendance upon the President.
There are only six permanent legislative committees, whose membership is far too large for any real scrutiny to take place.
The significance of the change from temporary to permanent committees was perhaps little realized at the time.
The chairmen of the Board's permanent committees get $3,000 to $9,000 for their duties.
From 2006 until his death, he was a member of the permanent committee of the parliament.
The small size of Congress made it unnecessary to create permanent committees.
Also broadcast, recorded not live, the work of the various permanent parliamentary committees.
As such she was vice chair of the permanent committee for European Affairs.