Finally, an electron beam periodically sweeps across the target, effectively scanning the stored image, discharging each granule, and producing an electronic signal like in the iconoscope.
A wire brush periodically swept the cotton off the blade as it came around, preventing the machine from jamming.
In 19th century England, Roger was slang for the cloud of toxic green gas that swept through the chlorine bleach factories periodically.
Khe, W aWelta W i& He headed forward to investigate, swinging from one secure hold to the next as dark water periodically swept over the deck.
The terrain undulated gently in a washboard pattern created by the dust storms that periodically swept Mars from pole to pole, and could last months.
These afforded some cover as the three agents crept forward so that, despite the bright floodlights that periodically swept the area, they managed to move along unseen.
While there is widespread public annoyance at politicians, there is little of the "throw the bums out" sentiment that periodically sweeps the United States.
As recently as the early 1980's, soldiers periodically swept through remote villages they considered hostile, killing as they rampaged.
If unlucky, they might have lost family members to the terror that periodically swept parts of the country.
Poor and living in slums, the Irish were particularly susceptible to a series of epidemics that periodically swept the city.