Still, Dr. Yang periodically receives telephone calls from patients or their families who have heard about his work.
A senator periodically receives a record showing the number of times, by percentage, that he or she has voted with each of the other 99 senators.
They are called cash-balance plans because employees periodically receive notice of a hypothetical cash balance that they can track as it grows.
Beginning in 1992 it will periodically receive a portion of Manville's profits.
I periodically receive emails from FB saying I've got friend requests pending.
Those places are the entrances from where the earth periodically receives force or energy from the cosmos.
The hospital periodically received larger donations including rental properties.
Mazal is Teacher's daughter and periodically receives telepathic messages from him, although she can't always make contact.
However, those sums presume that those employees periodically receive tips ranging from $1 to $25 each.
Monday morning, an account executive sent an email to nearly 2,000 clients, a regular informational newsletter that they receive periodically.