The film has been available on VHS home video since the 1980s, and is periodically broadcast on television, often on Thanksgiving Day.
For example Bob periodically broadcasts the time on his clock together with a MAC.
This commercial was to be broadcast periodically from 1991 to 2010.
SAP and RIP periodically broadcast network information even if routing/service tables are unchanged.
The master periodically broadcasts the current time as a message to the other clocks.
The sports magazine show Holland Sport is broadcast periodically on Saturday afternoons.
The network periodically broadcasts NAIA sports-related videos on its website.
However, KRAW has periodically broadcast for short periods to maintain the license.
Every node periodically broadcasts a "hello" message to its physical neighbors, notifying the neighbors of its existence.
Detecting a node's departure can be done, for instance, via heartbeat messages that periodically broadcast routing table information between neighbors.