One: Negotiations must and should be done in private, avoiding daily or periodic statements to the news media, which disrupt the process.
In his periodic statements from prison, Mr. Khodorkovsky has sounded repentant, philosophical at times, but above all defiant.
Workers typically do not know what fees they pay because Federal law does not require disclosure on the periodic statements they receive.
The abbot will issue periodic statements about his Grace's condition - which will probably deteriorate as time goes by.
In addition to these disclosures, you will receive two other types of information for most transactions: terminal receipts and periodic statements.
Instead, these transfers will appear on your periodic statement.
You're also entitled to a periodic statement for each statement cycle in which an electronic transfer is made.
You have 60 days from the date a periodic statement containing a problem or error was sent to you to notify your financial institution.
These purchases will appear on your periodic statement from the bank.
Keep and compare your receipts for all types of EFT transactions with your periodic statements.