Investigating perinatal death: a review of the options when autopsy consent is refused.
It is estimated that maternal smoking causes 5,000 extra perinatal deaths each year in the United States.
We used a case-control design with cases defined as perinatal deaths occurring among women whose place of residence was Leicestershire.
His classification allowed all perinatal deaths to be categorised whether or not necropsy had been undertaken.
Stillbirths account for about two-thirds of the perinatal deaths in Japan.
Near-miss perinatal death was found to put women in Benin at greater risk for postpartum depression.
If a uterine rupture does occur, the risk of perinatal death is approximately 6%.
The 1990 projection for such perinatal deaths is 8.5.
Elsewhere the tomb of a young woman with a baby provides evidence of a double perinatal death.
"It's an often unrecognized cause of preterm delivery and perinatal death," Owen said.