Despite the Knicks' spectacular playoff run last spring, the coaching staff continued to stress the need for a consistent, lethal perimeter threat.
Though Diaw is never likely to become a three-point shooter, the Suns would like to see him become a perimeter threat.
He is also expected to fill one of the Nets' most pressing needs: a perimeter threat.
His shooting gave the Rockets another perimeter threat.
But Knicks officials believe he can contribute without being a perimeter threat.
Robinson hit three 3-pointers, giving the Nets another perimeter threat.
Didn't he see his point guard, his one authentic perimeter threat, dragging his knee through the second half of the season?
On defense, shooting guards are often tasked with defending the opponent's strongest perimeter threat.
Having Childs in the lineup gives the Knicks another perimeter threat who must be defended.
"Possible perimeter threat detected," a flat, emotionlessvoice said from somewhere overhead.