In the summer the reservoir is often extremely busy with members of the public coming for picnics and walks around the reservoir's perimeter path.
You'll spot hundreds of Canada geese (and their droppings) along a 3.5-mile perimeter path.
Holly saw his face as he passed behind him on the perimeter path, a face that was scraped with despair.
Those who walked the perimeter path went behind him, and no one spoke to the man who gazed at the wall that held him.
He ran, and came with the front rank to the perimeter path and the low wooden fence.
The perimeter path was beside the coal mountain.
The old thief rambled on and together they completed another circuit of the perimeter path.
I paced a restless turn around its perimeter path, and then forced myself to stand still.
The 26-mile perimeter path is a natural for marathons.
Shivering she began to walk around the perimeter path.