It is a perilous business, but less so than staying here, under the circumstances.
"It's a perilous business, I guess, any time you put people up there into space, but the record has been very good."
Ms. Malone is black, and for others like herself, raising a son can be a perilous business, figures indicate.
Intelligence officials may now find testifying before Congress a far more perilous business than they have in the past.
This is perilous business: there are signs that fear has already given the boycott a perverse head start.
It was a humorously perilous business for both of us.
I'm sorry to make it more difficult for you, but this is perilous business.
It's a perilous business being the largest professional partnership in the world.
Leave him to the King of Jerusalem, whose noble and perilous business he is.
But they often loaned money to seamen, a perilous business, for which reason the rates were a little higher than you might expect.