Sol inquired, not appearing to notice the ministrations of the girl though she gave him more than perfunctory attention.
In syllabuses produced to date, only perfunctory attention has been given to cross-curricular themes.
I can read nothing in her face, and Mrs. Allard is too consumed in her own loss to spare her anything but the most perfunctory attention.
The dear child puts it down to my loneliness and the perfunctory attentions of a housekeeper.
He seemed caught up in his own thoughts, not giving her more than perfunctory attention.
There was more, much more, but Herman Fleischer read the detailed instructions with perfunctory attention.
Editors who had felt ho-hum about the real stuff started giving it more than perfunctory attention.
She lowered her own lest the reflection give her away and waited; he seemed to give only perfunctory attention to the side of the road.
Contradictory material got perfunctory attention - with a few exceptions.
She'd begun mentioning the Irishman, to whom she'd never paid more than the most perfunctory attention before.