Gesture can be as subtle as the way a performer holds a bow or strikes a note on the piano.
Yet even when the play seems to be spinning its wheels along with the turntables, the performers hold the attention, the leading men included.
Still, the performers hold your attention even when you give up on the musical.
Marinelli bend is a form of contortion, in which the performer holds body weight only through teeth.
The performer can hold onto the web in addition to hanging from the loop or can release the rope and spin separately.
The performers wear masks and hold the stage property for performing.
As a result, the two performers hold no prima donna attitudes, say family and friends.
Local bands, schools, and performers hold free shows and concerts.
Virtuoso performers held the upper hand well into this century, but the worm turned.
The performers hold the prestige of the visiting writers as evidence against unfavorable local opinion.