Someone hides a pin in a room, and the performer finds it quickly by having a spectator take hold of his hand.
There is architecture and gritty content in this music, and these performers found it.
Although some Brazilian performers have found audiences here, there is clearly a lot more talent awaiting export.
For their part, the performers have also found some perplexities in crossing over from the operatic stage.
It's a striking effect, one that performers used to flinging their arms about find difficult to achieve.
The top performers found their own outlets to defuse the tension.
Not surprisingly, the three performers soon find themselves treated as prisoners.
It was released at a time when the band were starting to grow as performers, both live and in the studio, finding their direction musically.
The performers distributed copies of the poems but found that audience members read rather than listened.
Virtuoso physical performers have often found translation to the screen difficult.