But for this to succeed, the rite needs to be performed directly beneath the point of Dalamud's impact.
He sat on his cushion, overseeing the work being performed directly in front of him.
QA services are performed directly or indirectly for the owner.
The program has "ceded a duty that most properly should be performed directly by the government," the report states.
At that time, having not yet been adopted the synchronized sound to images, music from the orchestra were performed directly in the movie hall.
Shooting is performed with the hand directly, as opposed to deck shuffleboard's use of cue sticks.
The controlled computer then behaves as if the actions were performed directly at that computer.
The ceremony was performed on a high rocky platform directly below the light tower.
Such work may be performed either directly by the foreign company or through a registered branch in Iran.
In alternative fashion, the conversion may be performed directly using thionyl chloride.