Overall performance rankings,however, are more difficult to develop, especially when they involve benefits that not every consumer needs.
Based on their performance ranking, the pilots then choose among more specific career paths.
And so will any airline that has found itself at either the top or the bottom of an on-time performance ranking.
This stock-rating system has earned Value Line a high performance ranking.
Averaging the handicap indexes and performance rankings for each group showed that, over all, the top-performing companies were led by the best golfers.
The agency reviewers are asked to evaluate the "performance ranking" of the applicant, but how do they know this?
The performance ranking of a selection of unit trusts is shown in Table 6.8.
The college data, unlike the dropout data, does not affect the Houston school system's performance rankings.
Grimlog: I wouldn't replace absolute performance rankings with price/performance graphs but could possibly include them in the future.
Instead, he said, companies might adopt new employee-valuation systems that happen to reverse the career-long high performance rankings of older employees.