Regardless of the reason, Smith's performance against the Eagles opened the door for Mickens.
His performance opened the doors to the quarter-finals, the best performance Romania ever gained.
Even with nine new players, St. John's was expected to be a factor nationally, especially after two strong performances to open the season.
The performance opened with Bieber sitting playing the piano while singing.
In the past, the very first performance, on Monday, was officially opening night, the second press night.
The performance opens the group's second season of Fourth Wednesdays concerts.
Simpson's second performance of the evening opened with the sound of her pre-recorded voice heard singing the song she had already performed earlier.
The first performance in the restored building will be "Women on Fire," a series of monologues, opening March 21.
He died in Prague on May 12, 1884, and a performance of this work traditionally opens the spring festival.
They can have rehearsals, and performances open the public.