Amid the chemotherapy and surgery of recent months he has somehow learned the guitar, which he will be playing today, performing with his younger brother.
At the age of ten, Rafael had already performed around Andalucia with his brother.
He moved to Atlanta, Georgia and worked outside the field of music, while also performing occasionally with his brother.
She is also very skilled in kung fu and often performs with her brother.
He bought his first banjo as a child and began performing with his brother Frank shortly afterward.
As a child, Finn would often perform at family gatherings with his older brother Tim.
She performs with her brother, a rapper who goes by the stage name Black Nasty.
As his brothers and sisters, we won't be able to laugh, hold, or perform again with our brother Michael.
Upon returning home, he performed locally with his brother, pianist Bobby Negri, and decided to return to school.
She was a talented musician who performed with her brother on tour, but whose later life was very limited in its experiences and possibilities.