Ms. Yangala, a professional African dancer from the Democratic Republic of Congo, will perform with friends in an evening of African dances.
Red Wanting Blue also performed on The Rock Boat in March as well as several shows with friends and fellow musicians Carbon Leaf.
Tito & Tarantula began in 1992 when Larriva and lead guitarist Peter Atanasoff would perform in bars and cafes with friends every week.
A beaming bride escorted down the aisle by her father, a wedding performed by a minister, with family and friends in attendance.
Through high school, Mitch Mallory frequently wrote music and performed with various friends.
He gave Andreas Scholl, born in the Rheingau, the opportunity to perform with friends and his sister Elisabeth in four of the area's historic churches.
He performs with friends and band members Joel Porter (bass) and Alex Robins (drums).
Andrew Belle performs The Ladder with friends from Ten out of Tenn.
In recent live shows, Mr. Young and Crazy Horse perform the CD in its entirety, with friends, relatives and associates acting out the scenes.
The vast majority of childcare is still performed by the parents, in house nanny or through informal arrangements with relatives, neighbors or friends.