The first ambulances to arrive performed triage, selecting the most critically injured passengers for transport to area hospitals.
I'm sorry, but you're going to have to perform triage even more strictly.
How, then, to perform bio-economic triage - to maximize diversity when money and political will are in short supply?
For most of us, who cannot perform medical triage or help shift debris from smoldering building sites, what needs doing most may not be obvious.
Atreides soldiers worked to keep the crowds in line and performed triage to find the patients who needed help the most.
Unlike its rivals, Xerox has had to perform triage on its growth strategy.
The pressure to perform triage on health-care jobs could hardly come at a more awkward time.
They could not take everything, so someone had to perform triage, pick the choicest bits of antiquity, art, and ancient texts.
"What you're saying is, you want me to perform triage on the entire Sagittarian sector."
He rested his head on his chin, watching doctors perform triage in a makeshift medical center.