The Alstom-manufactured cars have been performing reliably from delivery to current use.
The key to this system was a computer that could perform reliably in real time.
Other plants have been performing reliably, but just need a little oomph to push them a few extra weeks.
This process continues until the processor fails to perform reliably at a speed.
For a reasonable sized business that's a steal, if it's the same price and performs reliably well.
I cannot reliably perform even simple arithmetic operations in the dream state.
The 14Aa engines were by this time performing reliably, despite an unhappy beginning in the other B4 prototypes.
But the thing that bothered him most was the fact he had not been performing reliably.
This testing will help ensure the communications and electronic systems of future spacecraft perform reliably in space.
"They're not the highest fliers," she added, "but they tend to perform reliably through all different types of markets."