However, there has been a small but steady rise in the number of supracervical hysterectomies performed both regionally and nationally [ 3 4 ] .
It does this not only by performing locally and regionally, but also by touring the United States and Europe.
This quartet performed regionally and sang in quartet competitions.
The bands also perform locally and regionally as ambassadors of the British brass band tradition.
Flowerland begins performing regionally in CT and NY.
Continues to perform regionally on a constant basis.
When the tour ended, he returned to his DJ spot on KLLL and performed regionally.
DiFranco first performed regionally at The Step to an audience of 40 people, then the following year she drew 400 people in the larger hall.
During her Florida residency, she continued to perform regionally and sang in numerous churches and at the Holy Land.
He later returned to KLLL and performed regionally, but eventually was fired by Sky Corbin.