Quadro 4000 is performing nicely though, even if it doesn't beat out the 5870.
All these players performed nicely, but the Oppo looked best and was easiest to use, thanks to its handy remote control and onscreen menus.
In retrospect, the nicely performing MV series was too little, too late.
In an unscientific test, the unit performed nicely on up to three stapled sheets of regular-sized paper, but it slowed when fed four and five sheets.
The real estate investments were performing nicely; the little bit I had left in sea farming was moving toward a record profit year.
The iMac performed nicely in our suite of application benchmarks with the results resembling the MacBook Pro the most, which makes sense given the similar architecture.
The "Dogs of the Dow" had been a nicely performing strategy for a long, long time.
In 2007, Control performed nicely in the early October slot.
Whatever, the Echo is roomy and comfortable, rides smoothly and quietly and performs nicely until challenged.
But, judged as a piece of technology alongside Gutenberg's progeny, the REB 1200 eBook performs nicely.