There are regular concerts throughout the academic year, which allow the children to perform musically.
Richmond has been performing musically as T-Rich.
He continued to perform musically during his adolescence through church, school, and personally formed groups.
He continued to perform musically until the mid-1990s.
In addition to traveling as a speaker, Holland has enjoyed many opportunities to perform musically.
Graveson has continued to perform musically.
He did not quit performing musically, but began to cover songs that started a career with a recurring gig at the Brooklyn club, Casablanca.
"I'm excited to think that Philipse Manor Hall could become a nice place for schoolchildren to perform musically."
French and his brother, Kreis, founded the group in 1981; both began performing musically at their church.
He has performed and assisted in many theatrical works at college and university level and performed musically at the same level.