I am the first to agree that without environmental pressures the oil companies would not have performed so magnificently.
His division, which he had disciplined into becoming the best in all the army, was performing magnificently.
Some small countries, such as Jamaica in 1987, have risen to the challenge and performed magnificently.
Shareholders in turn are doing what they should do: reward a management team that has performed magnificently.
But just because he performed magnificently during the city's worst moments doesn't mean that he's essential for rebuilding the city.
The brigade performed magnificently, but Barnes had essentially nothing to do with its actions or the decision to send it there.
"President Bush is the first President to focus for an extended period of time on the international trade issue, and he performed magnificently."
And while the Vietnamese economy has performed magnificently in the last few years, the next few may prove tougher.
The production respectfully and wisely lets the music itself, so magnificently performed by the Emerson group, have the last word.
Serving in this capacity throughout April and into May, the ship's crew performed magnificently.