Rabbi Ronald B. Sobel performed the ceremony at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Cambridge, Mass.
The Rev. Sarah Buteux performed the ceremony at the Swedenborg Chapel in Cambridge, Mass.
Rabbi Rim Meirowitz performed the ceremony at 17 Quincy Street, on the Harvard University campus in Cambridge, Mass.
Rabbi Benjamin Rudavsky performed the ceremony at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Faculty Club in Cambridge, Mass.
Canon Brian Kelley performed the Episcopal ceremony at the Christ Church of Cambridge in Cambridge, Mass.
Rabbi Scott Rosenberg performed the ceremony at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge, Mass.
Rabbi Sally Finestone performed the ceremony at the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in Cambridge, Mass.
The Rev. George S. Salzman performed the ceremony at St. Paul's Catholic Church in Cambridge, Mass.
The Rev. Louise Conant, an Episcopal priest, performed the ceremony at Christ Church in Cambridge, Mass.
Rabbi H. Bruce Ehrmann performed the ceremony at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge, Mass.