He led young engineers who were just out of school to perform engineering 'miracles'- record-time achievements that no one predicted.
The firm performs design and engineering of new and existing vessels for pleasure, commercial, and military use.
Oberhausen performs chemical processing, mechanical engineering, and education.
The firm performs scientific research and engineering with clients in the federal, state, and private sectors.
ERI performed research and engineering for the following:
As a genetic researcher, I think that the ability to perform direct engineering is an inevitable consequence of evolution.
Intelligent aliens who were able to perform genetic engineering on our ancestors, and leave their calling card in case we had further business?
However, Seltmann performed the vast majority of instrumentation on her own as well as engineering, mixing, programming and producing the work.
Bechtel performed engineering, procurement and construction.
Sanders & Thomas performed process and industrial engineering and was best known for its development of numerous new machines.