The play you came to see would be performed in broad daylight during the warmer months.
The play would be performed in broad daylight during the warmer months.
It is estimated that there were 40,000 surgical procedures and 5,000 amputations performed during the final months of the civil war.
A small theater company performs downstairs during the cooler months.
Other significant life ceremonies are baptism (performed during the first months of life, and rarely for adult converts) and marriage.
The new pantomime traditionally premieres on New Year's Eve, and is performed about a hundred times during the following six months.
The Museum operates seasonally, performing the majority of its programming during the warmer months.
Bilawal is a morning raga to be sung with a feeling of deep devotion and repose, often performed during the hot months.
During fall the band performs at football games, and at basketball games during the months of winter and early spring.
With the additional help, about 3,000 operations (1,400 for cataracts) were performed at the hospital during the two months it was open for each year.