For example, female shamans were called on to cure illnesses by driving away evil spirits, to pray for rain during droughts, or to perform divination and fortune-telling.
Before going hunting, King Wen consulted his chief scribe to perform divination in order to discover if the king would be successful.
The noro also would perform divination to determine the best days for sacred ceremonies, for social functions such as marriage or funeral, and for agricultural pursuits (Kerr 33).
Hermione learns to use complex charts to perform numerical divination, or tell the future using numbers.
Such books typically include instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans and amulets, how to perform magical spells, charms and divination and also how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, and demons.
Divitiacus supposedly knew much about the natural world and performed divination through augury.
The druids in Irish literature-for whom words such as drui, draoi, drua and drai are used-are sorcerers with supernatural powers, who are respected in society, particularly for their ability to perform divination.
Although he was a Buddhist, he performed divination and prophecy.
Books of this genre, typically giving instructions for invoking angels or demons, performing divination and gaining magical powers, have circulated throughout Europe since the Middle Ages.
He will perform divination by ginger to know the future, the prosperity or otherwise of the new year.