If its funds do not shoot out the lights, as they once did, they perform decently now.
Despite the reviews, the film performed decently at the box office.
They perform decently, and have that early Porsche look.
"Even if there were a chance of this being true," said Ouanda, "there's no possible experiment we could decently perform to find out."
Though Kelly played 77 games at third base and performed decently, the Yankees cannot risk retarding his development by playing him out of position again.
The station didn't receive spectacular ratings, but was still performing decently.
Cooper felt it was mediocre but the film performed decently at the box office.
It performed decently at Nashville, but, as before, failed to distinguish itself to any real degree.
Some green hard drive models perform decently well in these areas over their desktop-standard counterparts.
Nevertheless, the film received multiple nominations for major awards and performed decently at the box office.