Under the current policy, Medicaid pays the cost of acupuncture only if it is performed by a physician who is certified by the Department of Education to perform acupuncture and if the treatment is part of an overall medical or hospital treatment plan.
You may also see a massage therapist, someone who performs acupuncture, or someone who does spinal manipulation (a chiropractor, osteopathic doctor, or physical therapist).
And he practically performs acupuncture on Bingo Marsh, lord of the Fashion kingdom.
Veterinary acupuncture is the practice of performing acupuncture on animals.
Do you have a piece of paper that lets you perform acupuncture on my bed?
For years, Ted Kaptchuk performed acupuncture at a tiny clinic in Cambridge, a few miles from his current office, at the Harvard Medical School.
The acupuncturist, the person who performs acupuncture, will swab each acu-point area with alcohol before tapping a hair-thin, metal needle into the site.
Dr. Gerald M. Buchoff, a veterinarian in North Bergen, N.J., has performed acupuncture on iguanas with brittle bones.
He tried to perform acupuncture on himself, but he failed because he cannot reach many pressure points on his back.