The band visited Jakarta for a promotional tour and performed acoustically for fans.
Chick Corea will be performing acoustically, and perhaps he'll show some of the musical ability for which he is best known.
The band made an infamous appearance on the March 18, 1996 Rockline radio broadcast, where they performed acoustically.
Their versatile nature is also displayed through their ability to perform acoustically at more intimate venues.
The performance featured Swift, dressed in a red blouse and blue jeans, performing acoustically with a guitar, sitting on a bar stool.
They are able to perform acoustically and outside with a solar-powered PA.
It contains a collection of both previously released and unreleased songs by various artists performing acoustically.
The band later found out that Liam did not like performing acoustically.
It was Dylan's second consecutive collection of only traditional folk songs, performed acoustically with guitar and harmonica.
He is also known for using alternate guitar tunings, particularly when performing acoustically.