These functions have been interpreted as performing a kind of information processing within the cell, which determines cellular behavior.
He was arrested and not formally charged, but performed a kind of community service.
They repeatedly perform a kind of Balkan chain dance that seems only too timely.
He performed a kind of ceremony, and I became one of them.
Political leaders perform a similar kind of two-step when it comes to supporting public transportation.
From that perspective, she suggests, parasitized birds are performing a kind of service to people.
Some classical composers have performed a kind of plunderphonia on written, rather than recorded, music.
"But I thought we ought to perform a kind of experiment," she said.
He is also seen to be able to perform a kind of magic, summoning dead spirits.
As a result, many school administrators perform a kind of academic triage with their limited time and money, attending to the most urgent needs first.