It consists of two complementary stripes of 0.2 mm thick perforated steel with catcher and holes.
While the surface is currently perforated stainless steel, for example, he said it might be something else entirely by the time he is finished.
The newsstands, which cost $20,000 each, are made of perforated steel - like giant inverted colanders.
The corridors are a fire hazard of samples of perforated steel and excelsior.
"We decided to build the whole thing out of protective armor: perforated steel."
For graffiti artists, perforated steel, which can be backed by panels of painted wood or granite, is considered less inviting than a solid wall.
The industry was opened up to the mass marketing of perforated steel or copper disks, which could be made quickly, cheaply and in large quantities.
They opted for perforated steel instead, because it is more durable and not flammable.
He took his time, setting the mat down-the decking here was perforated steel, and lying there would soon become uncomfortable.
This under bridge landscape contains a series of perforated stainless steel lighting-based public artworks.