Because no supernova is perfectly symmetric, the neutron star will be left with a small velocity relative to its original orbit.
The relationship between the movement of the piezo-tube and the direction of the displacement of the AFM tip assumes that the tube is perfectly symmetric.
New inflation does not produce a perfectly symmetric universe; tiny quantum fluctuations in the inflaton are created.
Eventually, it was shown that new inflation does not produce a perfectly symmetric universe, but that tiny quantum fluctuations in the inflaton are created.
If the distribution is perfectly symmetric then the mean is equal to the median and the distribution will have zero skewness.
At very low Reynolds numbers (based on the diameter of the circular member) the streamlines of the resulting flow is perfectly symmetric as expected from potential theory.
A supernova will radiate except in the unlikely event that the explosion is perfectly symmetric.
For simplicity, we will first discuss second quantization for bosons, which form perfectly symmetric quantum states.
The crucial parameter is called sine-two-beta, a number that would be zero in a perfectly symmetric universe and either positive or negative otherwise.
The names are perfectly symmetric.