For one thing, it was not in shades of gray, but perfectly reproduced the tans and golds and pinks of flesh.
The first three books he consults contain more than enough detail to perfectly reproduce the crestfallenness that Randy experienced when he learned about flight plans.
It is difficult to build an animal model that perfectly reproduces the symptoms of depression in patients.
The phylogenetic trees constructed by computational methods are unlikely to perfectly reproduce the evolutionary tree that represents the historical relationships between the species being analyzed.
"We are able to perfectly reproduce the symptoms of angina during catheterization just by stimulating the heart," Cannon says.
Schmitter explicitly recognizes that his definitions are Weberian 'ideal types', because 'no empirically extant system of interest representation may perfectly reproduce all these dimensions'.
With a lump hammer and his cold chisel, he slowly curves the metal until it reproduces perfectly the design he has drawn on the concrete.
No model - whether a wind-tunnel model for designing aircraft, or a climate model for projecting global warming - perfectly reproduces the system being modeled.
In the painting the thunderheads are piled high, as they were one recent evening, reproducing perfectly the sensation of being squashed bug-flat by the heat.
He perfectly reproduced the entire body including hair and skintone.