Which makes their opposite reactions to the music pouring out of the pickup a little earlier that morning perfectly predictable.
She liked the cops and the fire fighters because they were to some extent perfectly predictable.
There was, in short, a perfectly predictable ecological system on Orede.
The words and tone were perfectly predictable, Adele thought as she looked across the crowded bridge at the captain.
"It is perfectly predictable that there will be violence as the election occurs," Mr. Istrabadi said.
A noun's gender is not perfectly predictable from its form, but there are some trends.
Since dates are best known in their dried form, it's perfectly predictable that the fresh variety would suddenly become chic again.
If information can just leave the universe, then physical processes would not be perfectly predictable.
Otherwise, failures inevitably increase and graduation rates fall, a result that is perfectly predictable, except to university administrations.
"But they'd move along perfectly predictable trajectories, just like any spacecraft."