In this sense, it was the perfectly orchestrated media event.
In vast, perfectly orchestrated scenes, the English send hundreds of arrows raining on the Scots.
And yet it all packs the tickling wallop of perfectly orchestrated slapstick.
Modern campaigning has thus become an exercise in imagery: a relentless, costly search for the right 30-second advertisement, the perfectly orchestrated "photo op."
Upon joining, members are connected with an "Escapist" to make sure each trip is perfectly orchestrated and tailored.
A perfectly orchestrated sequence, designed to save neurons so that they could record the final seconds.
The brunette's turn was perfectly orchestrated to make the entire maneuver look like a schtick from a Broadway musical.
This was not a premeditated, perfectly orchestrated crime.
In a country that turns on grand gestures, a perfectly orchestrated one was required to start the healing.