For a moment the old man's voice filled his head, perfectly clear and perfectly lucid.
He was one of those rare individuals-always perfectly lucid, yet thoroughly out of his mind.
She was perfectly lucid, you could even say controlled, in spite of her anxiety.
Why can't they understand my perfectly lucid answers?
I, on the other hand, am perfectly lucid" - and doesn't let up until the concluding paragraphs.
During a two-hour Mass here today, the pope, 83, fixed an alert gaze on the crowd, and his voice was perfectly lucid.
That's what he calls people who talk too fast, seem to be perfectly lucid -and are, in fact, idiots.
He was sent home in early 1999 and seemed perfectly lucid to acquaintances.
And with a perfectly lucid patient, it's still advisable to allow for the possibility of a stroke or coma.
Bobbi had seemed perfectly lucid when she woke up, but did that necessarily mean she was?