"Water Runs Dry" was perfectly likable.
Jim Fassel had been a perfectly likable and reasonably successful partner for the Giants in their efforts to bust the Parcells ghost once and for all.
For the most part, though, this revival is notable for being perfectly likable and, to be honest, forgettable.
Georges Duboeuf $13 ** 1/2 [Rating: Two 1/2 Stars] Moulin-à-Vent Flower Label 2000 Hesser called it "wine by committee," but said it was perfectly likable.
Stars George Clooney and Nicole Kidman are said to be perfectly likable but utterly humorless, and the nuclear-terrorism story line is called suspenseful but trite.
And the hard-working, perfectly likable fellows who have replaced them, Brad Oscar and Steven Weber, don't begin to approach the same standards of teamwork.
Onstage a group of perfectly likable actors is falling apart.
Since this guy had been perfectly likable until a few hours ago, I imagine that his behavior must be a combination of altitude sickness and fatigue.
But these two were never meant to be perfectly likable; that is part of what makes them perfect for each other.
After all, what's being portrayed is a group of perfectly likable people falling apart.