That word was in his head again, a word that perfectly described the appearance of the great horse.
I'll go to the station on Saturday morning, and watch for someone to describe perfectly.
For several reasons this description of the faithful 144,000 perfectly describes "the woman that flees."
But whoever came up with the name for the ensemble deserves some special status, because it perfectly describes what they do.
Those two words perfectly described the house.
Dowie's words perfectly describe the problems that have emerged with the globalization of conservation.
DeParle's article describes perfectly a major flaw in the welfare reform law.
The book's enduring power is also evident in its big-headed tripods from outer space, described perfectly by Wells way back when.
It describes perfectly a style, or style of life, that's embarrassingly unfashionable.
It describes perfectly the slow but, I think, inevitable failure of the current attempts to control content.